Georgia Kerkezis

14 Articles


Progressive states lead the battle against climate change

It doesn’t take a genius to see that President Donald Trump isn’t doing much to combat climate change. For his 10 months in office, he has acted primarily in the interest of...


Acknowledging our wasteful mindset

We tend to view trash as burdensome and inconvenient, opting to get rid of it as easily and quickly as possible. We throw it into a plastic bag and leave it at...


Wealthy individuals must decrease their consumption

A common argument made by environmentalists is that in order to decrease environmental degradation, we must decrease consumption. While this statement is accurate, it is not specific enough. Advocating for a general...


Cities don't have to be disruptive to nature

All too often, people who care about the natural environment blame urbanism for causing degradation and destruction. Cities are parasites, cities are unnatural and cities are unsustainable, they say. Often paired with...