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Giovanna Bernardo

32 Articles


What do you think about your favorite TV show?

If someone asked you what your favorite TV show was, what would you say? Would it be a thriller like “Law and Order: SVU” or a classic sitcom like “Friends”? Is a...


College lifestyle and experiences foster close-knit, long-term friendships

Before I got to college there was one thing I worried about more than anything else. Ironically, it had nothing to do with realizing my life path as quickly as possible, or...


Going out there and 'changing the world' isn't necessarily what you think

There are certain inspirational sayings you hear over and over again that aim to inspire us semi-adult individuals into embracing our prospective fields and becoming mature, independent and proactive members of society....


Gender inequality persists in Women's World Cup, despite enormous popularity

Even though female athletes have made major strides in soccer compared to the last time the U.S. women’s team won the World Cup in 1999, we still have a long way to ...


Decision to show scars helps body positivity movement

#LoveYourLines is the common hashtag these proud women are using to unite their photos in this anti-body shaming campaign. Such a positive spin on a commonly overlooked fact of life, and something ...


University actions against Oklahoma frat are commendable

I am so happy we live in an age where these types of acts are not tolerated or covered up, but met head-on by the officials of such a well-known, large and ...


Respect recently deceased on social media

Recently, one of my friends experienced the death of a close family friend from home. This young woman passed in the prime of her life at age 20. Her life, like yours...


Keira Knightley's photo shoot serves as a positive example

By posing topless, the actress owns and takes control of her own sexuality, rather than letting it be controlled by the standards of the media or dictated by anyone else. ...


Offensive apparel trend must stop

When did wearing apparel that advertises a school shooting or one of the worst genocides in human history become a fashion statement? It’s actually appalling what these designers come up with and ...


Fame does not qualify teens as role models

Why is it acceptable to compare young business prodigies, amazingly talented athletes, social activists or local Nobel Peace Prize winners to Vine celebrities like Nash Grier, the irrelevant Jaden Smith, or the ...