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Ezra Shapiro

Senior Political Science

27 Articles


Egypt's democratic experiment a bust

The choice is between an undemocratic leader on one hand and al-Quaida rebels on the other. ...


Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is the best chance for Middle East peace

There needs to be some sense of trust between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas. So far, that trust has been notably absent. ...


Facebook makes you depressed and annoying

Do I really need to hear about your concussion or some stupid song lyric about your boy problems? ...


Doing right in the age of impulsivity

The bigger the problem, the harder it is to address ...


Government shutdown's end delivers tough lessons

It’s not too late for America to save itself from ceding world leadership to another country. ...


Government default will be worse than shutdown

How can we lead the rest of the world if we can't even keep ourselves running? ...


Tea Party leaders hinder progress in Congress

What makes the fringe’s vehement opposition to Obama more than just a nuisance is that, instead of opposing the president on his policies’ merits, the fringe weaves a narrative in which Obama ...


American involvement will only make matters worse

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been a stabilizing force in a chaotic region. ...


Drone warfare's ethical and legal dangers

Drones, it seems, are an affront to our sense of patriotism and our sense of honor. ...


Follow the stories, even when the media ignores them

The news should work for the people, don't allow it to do the talking for you. ...