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Eric Gustafsson

Pipe Dream News

32 Articles

Police Watch

POLICE WATCH: April 23, 2013

SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1:49 a.m. — A building guard in the Library Tower reported to University police that someone had used black spray paint to tag a 6×6-foot area at the north...

Police Watch

POLICE WATCH: April 12, 2013

MONDAY, APRIL 8, 11:30 a.m. — An officer on patrol on East Drive noticed a bicyclist traveling on the road about four yards behind a pickup truck, said Investigator Patrick Reilly of ...


POLICE WATCH: Feb. 15, 2012

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 11:00 a.m. — A 21-year-old female student reported to University police that her car’s bumper had been damaged, said Investigator Patrick Reilly of Binghamton’s New York State University Police....


Police Watch: Feb. 12, 2013

TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 8:21 a.m. — Janitors in the Engineering Building reported to University police that somebody had damaged the rotunda floor in the ITC area by scuffing it with their sneakers,...


Police Watch: Feb. 5, 2013

THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1:38 p.m. — Officers on patrol were called to Newing College’s Broome Hall for a complaint about the smell of marijuana on the building’s fourth floor, said Investigator Patrick...


Police Watch: Dec. 17, 2012

Patience is a virtue TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 3:17 p.m. — Officers on patrol were called to Newing College’s Endicott Hall after a window was found to be broken at the front of...


Police Watch: Nov. 27, 2012

SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 4:21 a.m. — Officers on patrol were called to the College-in-the-Woods Dining Hall after two suspects were seen walking away with a box of Snickers, said Investigator Patrick Reilly...


Police Watch: Nov. 13, 2012

THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 2:30 p.m. — A 21-year-old female student reported to Binghamton’s New York State University Police that she lost her HP electronic notebook in the open area of Lecture Hall,...


Police Watch: Nov. 9, 2012

MONDAY, NOV. 5, 7:15 p.m. — Officers on patrol responded to Keuka Hall in Hillside Community after a fire alarm went off in the building, said Investigator Patrick Reilly of Binghamton’s New...


Police Watch: Nov. 7, 2012

THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1:07 p.m. — A 59-year-old male professor reported to Binghamton’s New York State University Police that he had been receiving threatening emails from a student, Investigator Robert Meddleton said....