The Editorial Board

4 Articles

Staff Editorials

Editorial: A shot worth taking

On April 5, it was announced to Binghamton University students that there would be COVID-19 vaccines available at a new on-campus site. Emails were sent out to students identified as eligible, encouraging...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: A review of Husch Blackwell’s report on Binghamton University

Recently, Binghamton University released a review of its Title IX policies in conjunction with Husch Blackwell, an independent law firm. The 34-page report covers the issues of sexual assault, an overview of...

Student Association

Editorial: SA E-Board and BU Council representative endorsements 2021-2022

With Student Association (SA) elections approaching fast, and a debate for contested positions occurring later today, Pipe Dream’s Executive Board took the time to allow candidates to share their platform with us...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Keeping the bench warm

Earlier last week, the Binghamton University athletics department announced that men’s basketball coach Tommy Dempsey would not have his expiring contract renewed for the upcoming season. While the decision doesn’t necessarily come...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Last-minute lockdown

Earlier today, Binghamton University Vice President Brian Rose sent out a B-Line News Addition to the BU community. COVID-19 cases are on the rise and we are nearing our 5 percent infection...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Don't cheat yourself

It’s no secret that students are struggling with online learning. It’s easy to feel disconnected and unfocused when it comes to sitting through lectures on Zoom week after week, and pairing these...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: The show shouldn't go on

Last fall, the Binghamton University theatre department announced that it would be putting on a production of “Twilight: Los Angles, 1992” during its spring 2021 season. The play, written by Black playwright...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Fall 2020 Report Card

Administration: C+ Binghamton University has faced quite the mountain of issues this semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So much has happened that we can’t cover it all, so let’s touch on...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Student care is self care

As the fall 2020 semester comes to a grueling conclusion at Binghamton University, many students have found themselves feeling burnt out long before finals week. As a result of COVID-19, the semester...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Home run for Binghamton

About this time last year, Major League Baseball (MLB) announced that they would would be taking additional control of Minor League Baseball (MiLB), with the largest ramification being shrinking down the amount...