The Editorial Board

4 Articles

Staff Editorials

Peep Show

It’s not only the rich and famous who fall prey to the leaking of intimate photographs, and it doesn’t take a hacker to invade your privacy ...

Staff Editorials

Perfect Timing

Congratulations, new Bearcats! You've already made perhaps the most stressful decision in your life so far: choosing to attend Binghamton University ...

Staff Editorials

Spring 2014 Report Card

As you study and finish up those bibliographies, take a minute to see how we graded the people and programs around us. ...

Staff Editorials

Isolated but not alone

We aren’t concerned with how self-satisfied the school may be with its impeccable documentation or strict adherence to internally-created policy. If this system has failed even one student, it is time for ...

Staff Editorials

Elect your rep

You have a few hours left to vote, and it will take you only a minute or two to log onto B-Engaged and fill out your ballot. Even if you’re not voting ...

Staff Editorials

Don't phone it in

On Wednesday night, the Student Association Judicial Board will meet to determine the legitimacy of the runoff election for vice president for finance. ...

Staff Editorials

Let's talk about it

If women are not permitted to take ownership of their sexuality, then women are unable to express their desires to their partner; it is assumed she doesn’t have any. ...

Staff Editorials

All together now

Bringing a prominent keynote speaker to campus for the entire graduating senior class will give those students a final chance to come together, as well as help put Binghamton University on the ...

Staff Editorials

Be a lifeline

Expressions like “I raped that test” are not only tasteless, but create an atmosphere in which rape is not taken seriously. Rape humor desensitizes us all and is a disturbing reminder for ...

Staff Editorials

We Vote Revote

If enough students — even one — are willing to come forward and say something, we as a student body may have a chance to go back and make the right decision ...