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Emily Coleman

6 Articles


R.E.A.C.H. promotes AIDS awareness and prevention with quilt

“The purpose of the quilt is to have a visual display of support for those who are affected or know of someone who is affected by HIV/AIDS,” Johnson wrote in an email. ...

Campus News

Students challenge campus to brighten up

Brighten Up Binghamton, also known as the Post-it Project, is a mission to spread positivity and kindness on campus. ...

Campus News

Guest speaker facilitates talk on mental illness

John Trompeter, from the Family and Children’s Society of Binghamton, spoke about the stigma associated with mental illness and said he aimed to clear misconceptions about them. ...


BSU mentors detained teens

Volunteers from the Black Student Union are taking some time to volunteer with local incarcerated youths with the hopes of turning their lives around. ...

Campus News

BAMS mixes it up with 1920s-themed banquet

The Binghamton Association for Mixed Students (BAMS) roared through the ’20s Friday night, combining its passion for both diversity and sequined flapper dresses. ...

Campus News

Ellen DeGeneres fanatics vie for talk show host's attention

Rachel Samuels, a junior majoring in human development, and Jessica Schwartz, an undeclared sophomore, created the fake sorority Epsilon Delta in an effort to attract enough of the talk show host’s attention ...