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Brian Racow

Senior Staff Writer

Senior Political Science

37 Articles


Events Center, West Gym house 1,600 during flood

Binghamton University's Event Center and West Gym sheltered some 1,600 people from the greater Binghamton area yesterday night from flooding that left parts of Downtown Binghamton, Endicott, Johnson City and elsewhere underwater. ...


Events Center, West Gym shelter 1,000 from floods

More than 1,000 people from the greater Binghamton area spent Wednesday night and Thursday morning inside Binghamton University's Events Center and West Gym seeking shelter from the danger of flooding caused by ...


Q & A with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones

Béla Fleck talks to Pipe Dream about musical influences after performing at Binghamton University's Anderson Center on Friday. ...


Holocaust remembered in midst of celebration

For 24 straight hours, from 9 p.m. Sunday to 9 p.m. Monday, student volunteers took shifts standing outside the entrance to the New University Union reading out the names of individuals killed ...


FinCo delivers apology to Black Student Union

More than 75 students attended a town hall forum on Thursday, April 14 to discuss relations between the SA and student groups. ...


Fundraising attempts are major factor in Financial Council budget allocations

The compiled notes of multiple members of the Student Association Financial Council (FinCo) from their meetings with student groups gave some indication of how FinCo works and the factors that play into ...


FinCo apologizes for dubbing Black Student Union a welfare group

The publication of an unofficial document consisting of compiled notes of members of the Student Association's Financial Council exposed disparaging remarks made toward numerous student groups. ...


FINCO finishes allocations

The SA Assembly will debate and vote on student groups' funding at its meeting Monday. ...


Judicial Board overturns key parts of original NYPIRG decision

The Student Association Judicial Board reversed parts of its earlier ruling on NYPIRG's grievance, upholding the Rules Committee's eviction notice. ...


Blizzard delays Assembly vote on constitution, incorporation

The weekend's snowstorm disrupted the timing of a plan to replace the current Student Association constitution and institute a new system of student government. ...