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Adam Tarchoun

Pipe Dream News

Sophomore English and History

14 Articles


Debate team places second at BU-hosted event

Binghamton University continued its successful stretch in competitive debate at the Northeast Regional Opener, held in the Fine Arts Building this weekend. ...


Fraternities, sororities play ball for charity

On Sunday, Binghamton University’s Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council hosted Kickball for a Kause, raising over $2,000 for the Binghamton Boys and Girls Club. ...


Dr. Julian Shepherd recognized for years of cycling to work

Through rain, wind and snow, associate professor of biological studies Julian Shepherd has been biking around Binghamton since 1975. ...


Pipe Dream rides along with UPD

In a ride with a Binghamton University police officer, Pipe Dream got an inside look at an average Friday night for Binghamton’s New York State University Police. ...


UPD chief sits down with Pipe Dream

Timothy Faughnan, chief of Binghamton’s New York State University Police, sat down with Pipe Dream last week for a frank conversation about his 30 years of experience on this campus. ...


Institute for Student Research first of its kind in SUNY

A newly launched campus organization hopes to improve Binghamton University’s academic environment by streamlining research projects and picking the student body’s brain. ...


Binghamton tells ‘Occupy’ to stay out

After their eviction last month, the Occupy Binghamton movement has been permanently displaced following a historic 6-1 verdict reached Wednesday at Binghamton’s City Hall that banned camping in Binghamton’s public spaces. ...


Students' high printing quota leads to paper waste, delays

Students at Binghamton University have printed more than 23.5 million pages from 30 campus printers since the start of the 2009-10 academic year. ...


Elementary school still closed, repairs could top $37M

The Binghamton City School District is considering a number of options for fixing or replacing MacArthur Elementary School which remains closed following the recent flooding. ...


BU ultimate Frisbee looks to add more women to team's roster

Binghamton University's Frisbee Club has increased recruitment efforts to draw more female players to join the co-ed team. ...