Aaron Bondar


27 Articles


Reconnecting with the real world

When was the last time you built something? I don’t mean the hammer-and-nail kind of building, but it could be that too — when was the last time you made something with...


Denouncing political violence

Over the past few years, our country has plunged into a debate about free speech and tolerance. This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. Our country — dedicated...


Democrats should embrace federalism

Since the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency, liberal activists and politicians have broken from typical Democratic Party tradition and embraced, whether explicitly or implicitly, a new political philosophy. It...


Reaching refugees

In the early 1940s in Hungary, my grandmother and grandfather, then teenagers, were dating. By 1944, my grandfather had been sent to a forced labor camp and my grandmother to Auschwitz. They...


Finding the right connection

The internet has changed our world in ways we are only beginning to understand. The smartphone is only 10 years old, and we have yet to truly grasp the impact that placing...


Want a better year? Open your heart and your mind

Love seems overrated these days. Intense political partisanship has infected our country. People from all sides of the political spectrum are failing to recognize the common bond they share with their fellow...


Despite challenges, we face a brighter future

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States of America. Truth be told, I didn’t expect to write that sentence. I suspect many of those living in cities, or...


Moving past our country's cultural crisis

It is no secret that the United States faces a cultural crisis. In the last decade, the U.S. has gone through profound social changes brought about by the internet, globalization and a...


Drones: a strike on Obama's legacy

For many college students, Nov. 8 will be the first time we are voting for the president of the United States. Because of this fact, it is important to understand how fundamentally...


Young liberals must put aside grievances and vote for Hillary

If you’re a young liberal or a former Bernie Sanders supporter and you aren’t voting for Hillary Clinton, you’re fooling yourself. And there are a lot of you out there; for voters...