I spent this past break reading four textbook chapters for a test in IBUS211, concocting a PowerPoint presentation for ACCT211, reading two textbook chapters for the same class and doing extensive research on employee practices in India for a project.
Of course, some of these things were assigned the week before vacation, but everyone knows that it is physically impossible to start schoolwork early, especially when one’s brain is already packing its bags and stocking up on SPF 50 in anticipation of spring break. ‘Oh well,’ I thought. ‘There is always summer vacation, right?’
At the time, I completely forgot about the internship I have coming up this summer. Damn. If it wasn’t for this internship, I could have spent my summer learning a sport, writing a slightly racy novel or even ‘ gasp ‘ watching TBS all day. ‘Well, at least I am lucky,’ I thought, remembering those poor bastards who will spend their vacations doing absolutely nothing productive. They will not be as privileged as I, getting real-world experience and increasing my marketability to potential employers. Those miserable losers.
Well, I didn’t really think that last part, but I almost started to think the first part. And then I thought to myself, ‘When did vacation stop being just that ‘ a vacation?’ Wasn’t there a time when summer used to be embraced as the time when you can watch ‘Pok√É©mon’ all day long, not dreaded because it’s April 5 and you still have not heard back from Workaholic, Stuck-Up and Phony, LLP. about your job interview?
As potential future employees, college students are expected to exhibit certain workaholic-like behaviors. This means being president of Club You Don’t Care About, tutoring small children with cancer on the weekends and working or interning at Waste Of Time, Inc. every summer, winter, Thanksgiving, Easter and Rosh Hashanah break, in addition to maintaining a full course load every semester. We comply with these expectations for fear that when time comes to apply for a job, the unkempt girl with horrible BO who sits in front of you in Modern Algebra I will receive the position that you were perfect for, all because you went to Florida in order to visit your grandparents that one summer.
So here is what I propose: Let’s all enjoy our summer vacations for once. You too, smelly girl. No exceptions. This way, we can all be slackers for three months with no fear of repercussions! Of course, there is still the matter of other schools left, but we can get them to join us as well!
‘ Polina Deryuga is a sophomore management and mathematical sciences major. Since she knows that some of her mentors at the firm where she interns read her articles, she wants to clarify that she was only using her internship as an example and loves working with you, so please don’t fire her.