Well BU, the end of the year is upon us, and we have to say how happy we are with what we’ve been seeing around here.

Typically, the end of the spring semester is accompanied with a pretty substantial drop in student participation in anything that isn’t involved with either last minute schoolwork or partying (depending on whether or not it’s your final year, and how much work you have left to the last minute).

But this year it seems like something is a little different ‘ even with the nice (theoretically) weather and approaching finals, students are maintaining a commendable level of consciousness and activism when it comes to what’s being done by the administration on this campus.

Last week, University officials held two days of town hall-style meetings to discuss both the proposed renovations of the Old University Union and Newing College and Dickinson Community. Not only were each day’s meetings attended by over 100 students, but the students were invested, interested and extremely vocal about what they want to see done on this campus.

If this doesn’t impress you, perhaps you can think back to last year when only about 20 students showed up to a Town Hall Meeting with the University’s top three officials ‘ this is a huge step up.

And it doesn’t have to stop here!

There’s an energy on campus right now, and we need to take advantage of it. Now’s the time when we can get things done and ensure that any changes made to this campus are in the best interests of the students.

This Monday at 7 p.m. students are holding a discussion in Old Union room 221B to discuss the proposals made so far for the Old Union renovations. The more unity between students, the more powerful the student voice will be, so take an hour out of your night and stop by.

The next day, University officials will hold another set of Town Hall meetings at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Old Union room 133 to discuss possible renovations of the East Gym. Whether or not you use the East Gym, decisions made by the University on the subject could potentially affect how much you pay in student activity fees every semester.

One way or another, every student on this campus is affected by these issues ‘ we all have every reason to keep up the energy and keep up the involvement.