OCCT to double Late Nite service

Late Nite service will be doubled, starting the weekend of Nov. 12, according to Student Association President Jared Kirschenbaum, also the president of Off Campus College Transport. The student-run bus company will be looking to bring about 130 additional people Downtown per hour.

‘The changes were put forth to match the demand from the students who need to go home who live on the west side and also to the students who wish to go Downtown,’ Kirschenbaum said.

He also cited a 2007 survey in which Binghamton University students called for an increase of transportation to the University Downtown Center during the weekends.

‘We are merely implementing that concept after it was called by students and administration to match the demand,’ Kirschenbaum said.

SA to promote PODS printing from personal laptops

The SA plans to notify students looking to print from jam-packed PODS that they don’t have to wait for a computer. The SA will be partnering with University Information Technology Services to promote a system that allows students to print from their own computers, according to Assembly Chair Randal Meyer.

‘You can hook up your laptop to print to any PODS printer on campus,’ Meyer said.

Though the system has been in place for some time, Meyer said few students know of it, and that the SA would be trying to promote greater knowledge and use of the system. More information is available at pods.binghamton.edu.


SA representatives from Mountainview College will be the first to conduct a round of surveys of campus communities. Meyer said Assembly representatives from every community will be doing tours of their respective communities. The representatives will be looking for areas in buildings, open areas and other common space that may be in need of improvement. He said the walkthroughs would be part of an effort to strengthen the involvement of Assembly representatives in their communities. Meyer also encouraged students to attend a subsequent open forum to share ideas on how to improve the communities.

‘Mountainview residents get free food for giving us ideas on how to improve student life,’ Meyer said.

Bereavement policy

There is currently no University-wide policy for undergraduate student bereavement, and professors can currently use their own discretion on whether to allow absences and missed work during a period of grieving to be made up at a later point. Assembly representatives are consequently calling for a unified policy that would give allowances to students who are coping with the death of a family member or friend. The Assembly has charged Daniel Rabinowitz, vice president for academic affairs, with working with University administration to develop a policy.