Double shot of tickets
DEC. 1, 6:01 a.m. – A coffee kiosk employee of the Jazzman Caf√É.√© in Academic B received two tickets — one for driving without a license and the other for driving on a sidewalk — after she drove her car onto the path between the Academic A and Academic B buildings. The java jockey told the police that she needed to deliver things to Academic B.
Fairy dust
DEC. 1, 9:00 a.m. – Someone left a small plastic baggie containing a white powder on the first floor of a campus residence hall. The janitor found the suspicious substance while cleaning a Dickinson dorm. The powder tested positive for the drug phencyclidine, commonly known as PCP — $50 worth. The police confiscated the PCP and ordered that it be incinerated, said Investigator Matthew C. Rossie, a spokesman for Binghamton’s N.Y. State University Police
New University directory ceremony
DEC. 2, 3:00 a.m. – A student in Hinman’s Cleveland Hall reported that he got a prank phone call from someone he didn’t know. The caller, who knew the complainant’s name, phone number and address, threatened to come up to his room.
Original prankster
DEC. 2, 3:20 a.m. – Here’s the bizarre-o world twist on the normal prank phone call: a Cascade Hall student alleges that last Friday morning, someone called him and accused him of making prank phone calls and smoking marijuana. The male caller knew the names of the complainant and his suitemates.
Patty larceny
DEC. 2, 3:45 p.m. – Managers at Dickinson Dining Hall nabbed a 22-year-old student for scarfing down a chicken patty sandwich while waiting on line. After catching him, the manager told the cafeteria cashier to make sure to charge the student for the patty. When confronted, the student began arguing with dining hall management. “He said the lines were too slow so he ate his chicken patty,” Rossie said. After a few minutes of bickering, the supervisors called the police. “He was told to leave so we were called to make sure he left, I guess,” Rossie said. The student left.
Party up in where?
DEC. 3, 1:37 a.m. – After returning to his Windham Hall dorm, a student appeared so intoxicated that his roommate called Harpur’s Ferry medics for help. “He got too drunk drinking off campus,” Rossie said. Police said no one knew the street address or other identifying information of the houseparty where the student had drunk.
Melts in your mouth, not in his hair
DEC. 3, 6:10 p.m. – An 18-year-old student playing video games in the basement of the Old University Union near the bowling alley was pelted by three unknown males brandishing M&M’s. The suspects fled.
INDidn’t leave
DEC. 4, 4:10 a.m. – The University police came to help their counterparts from the Vestal Town Police clear out Denny’s Restaurant across the street from campus on the corner of the Vestal Parkway and Bunn Hill Road after a large group of students from IND Fraternity who appear to have run afoul of the law woudn’t leave. One of the students was arrested on unknown charges.
Skid marks
DEC. 4, 12:00 p.m. – The BU police are investigating an accident that had a domino effect on three cars, including one with New Jersey license plates and another from Massachusetts, in a campus parking lot M. One of the cars skidded into the rear of another car parked, which skidded into another. Police found skid marks in the icy snow. It appears as if the initiator of the collisions that triggered the domino effect left the scene of the accident. If found by the police, the driver could be charged with leaving the scene of a property-damage accident.
Rescue 9-1-none
DEC. 4, 2:48 p.m. – Even though there were numerous people near the East Lounge of the Old University Union, no one could tell police who’d called 911 from a nearby payphone. The call had been wired through the Broome County emergency dispatcher and relayed to the campus police. The caller was never found and the case dismissed as a false alarm.
‘87 420s
DEC. 5, 12:15 a.m. – Police searched the dorm room belonging to four students, all born in 1987, after staff complained that they smelled marijuana smoke. “Nothing was found but the odor,” Investigator Rossie said. The students were all referred to the campus judicial system.