Sarah Oren/Photographer

The only story bigger than Super Bowl XL last weekend was the growing legend of Pizza Box Guy.

For those of you who don’t know, Pizza Box Guy became famous at the Binghamton men’s basketball games. While the opposing teams shoot free throws, he stands under the hoop, distracting the player by frantically waving his empty cardboard box. Most BU Zoo members have fallen in love with his antics, as they chant “pizza box” while flailing their arms like lunatics in an open and close motion.

Who else, besides the players wearing basketball jerseys and the guy who sweeps the court at halftime, has the power to bring 1,500 students to their feet?

The mysterious man behind the pizza box revealed himself to be freshman Michael Quinn. Behind closed doors he is shy and pretty laid back. But on the Events Center floor, Quinn is more like Baxter the Bearcat, just without the costume and the burden of America East sportsmanship rules.

He received the box as a giveaway during a game earlier in the season.

“It’s a big, white, 16-inch rectangular box,” Quinn tried to explain. “What else can you do with it?”

Along with being a professional free-throw distractor, Quinn is a member of the BU baseball team.

“The baseball team is all about making an environmental stand,” Quinn said. “That’s why it is so important to reuse cardboard.”

Out of 4,000-plus people in the crowd, Quinn is probably the only fan who would have made a name for himself with the pizza box. And somehow, he’s the one who got his hands on it.

“It was partially destiny,” Quinn admitted. “The box fell into my hands and it was one of those moments you just gotta go with.”