Executive vice president
David Belsky is running for re-election against Christopher Powell. The EVP oversees the actions of all SA-chartered student groups, as well as serves as the chair at SA meetings, charged with ensuring the decisions made by the SA are carried out.
Financial vice president
Richard Marmolejos is running unopposed for the job. This position is, essentially, the “accountant” of the SA, and is currently held by Mike Zablow. The FVP is in charge of keeping track of the budget and all fees for student groups.
Vice president for University programming
Sandra Dube, Garrett Dorfman and Kevin Ranegan are running for the position now held by Pat Craig. The VPUP coordinates student events on campus, including concerts and the annual Spring Fling. This year, Pat Craig brought Ludacris, Steven Lynch and Lewis Black to campus.
Academic Vice President
The AVP is the student body’s representation to the administration in academic affairs. Rebecca Kaufman and Graham Kates are now vying for the position held by Anna Robak.
Vice president for multicultural affairs
David Bass is running against the current VPMA, J. Nathanial Reed. This office takes care of the multicultural aspects of the campus by coordinating events and raising awareness among administrators and students. Reed was elected in November after former VPMA Ju-Sun Lee resigned to take a job elsewhere.