Alright everyone, let’s huddle up. We’ve got five more days of finals. Five more days until the semester is over, and we can all go home and be reminded of why we like being in school so much. But until then it’s time to buckle down. Sure the school tries to help, but there is no amount of therapy dogs that will ace an orgo test (alright, maybe five golden retrievers, if they really put their heads together). Yes, sitting to study might suck, but it will all be worth it this Friday. That being said, it doesn’t necessarily have to suck. There are plenty of ways to make finals week a fun and educational experience. As an early Christmas present, here are Release’s tips to a fun week of exams.
1. Relax in the Stacks
Finals week can cause a lot of stress, and frankly, venting on Twitter might not cut it for most. It’s important to make sure that you are adequately relaxed while studying, and what’s more stress-relieving than some casual sex! Put down your French homework and find a study buddy for this Glenn G. Bartle rendezvous. Any place in the stacks will do. Well maybe not any place. We don’t want to end up arrested for public indecency here. Bartle is pretty much packed this time of year, so you’ll have to hunt for a spot. For those who love symbolism, try the romantic literature section. Once you’ve secured a location, put down your books and get your freak on. But don’t waste study time — remember to exchange flashcards and quiz each other while you bone.
2. Put on an impromptu performance in the Pods
People may need to study now, but they want to be entertained always. Grab a couple of your friends and learn all the words and dance moves to High School Musical’s “We’re All In This Together.” Spread yourselves out in the Pods, and pop up one by one, singing different lines. People will love your spontaneity and quest for fun. Your fellow students will be grateful that you gave them the study break that they wouldn’t take themselves. They will also love your #tbt to the Zac Efron days. Who knows, maybe they’ll all sing along. Don’t feel limited if you don’t sing well, it’s really the thought that counts here.
3. Print out a coloring book and finish every page
Look for a full activity book online and print it all out. Find a good 120 PDF and print out the whole thing. Make sure it isn’t double sided, that way you can give your masterpieces out to friends. Don’t worry if other people need to use the printers. They understand your cause and will respect it. Once it’s printed, finish the whole book, mazes and all. Then once you’re done, you can turn all of Bartle into your own personal gallery. Hang them up, and attach modest prices along with your phone number. Maybe someone will want to buy an original print, and you can make some money while you are at it.
4. Cry it out
Sometimes the only thing that can relieve stress is a good long cry, so just go for it and let it all out! Don’t bother texting your friends across campus, a random stranger will do. Most people procrastinate while studying, so they probably aren’t too busy to give you a shoulder to cry on. Plus, you’ll probably make a new friend.
5. Pregame your study session
Finals week should be fun, and what’s more fun than alcohol! Shotgun a few beers before you find a spot, or if you’re feeling classy, split a box of Franzia with some friends. If drunk speech is sober thought, then drunk studying should lead to a sober A. Once you get to the library you might not want the party to end, and that’s OK! Find a few people for an impromptu game of flip cup. The second floor tables are perfect, and the space is good for people to gather around you and watch.
6. Study in another language
English can be so boring sometimes, so why not switch it up! Translate all your notes into Macedonian on Google Translate, and go from there. You might not consciously understand anything, but your brain will pick up all the information from its plethora of ingrained knowledge passed down for generations.