With chilly weather approaching Greater Binghamton, emphasizing the end of summer and the start of a new semester, a slight sadness with a mixture of excitement can creep into the air. This melancholic feeling can be expressed in many different songs. The list below encapsulates the feeling of bittersweetness that comes with the end of summer. Listen on your way to class to capture those fleeting moments as fall approaches.

“End of Beginning” by Djo

The title of this song says it all. As the summer comes to an end, new and different aspects of your life begin with the start of school. The song revolves around going back to a part of your life that has a different feeling to it, similar to when you return to campus for the upcoming semester and leave your hometown behind. With the mix of both new and old friends and memories — it truly is the “end of beginning” —the end of summer but the beginning of college life once more.

“Redbone” by Childish Gambino 

With a slapping bass, soothing vocals and funky overtones, this song feels reminiscent of the warmth and weightlessness commonly associated with summer. The instrumentals have a sloping rhythm in the beginning that makes you think of basking in the sun and relaxing on a hammock. Yet, the lyrics are centered on feelings of uneasiness and dread. The entire sequence of this song is trance-like with the end serving to snap you awake — much like the crushing reality that the end of summer is followed by imminent deadlines and all-nighters.

“Congratulations (feat. Bilal)” by Mac Miller and Bilal 

The tone of this song can be summed up in one word — bittersweet. Although “Congratulations” is a love song, the simplistic and melancholic piano creates an air of apprehension and unknowingness. It’s an expression of admiration so deep, the feeling of losing it is almost trumped by the love itself. Ending on a higher and fuller note, the song reminds you to stay hopeful regardless of any possible apprehension you might feel about the new year.

“The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac 

The first kick drum beat of Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain,” is enough to get just about anyone in a good mood. Despite the gut-punching lyrics about a disintegrating relationship, the upbeat rhythm, unique instrumentals and blended vocals are so well done that you can listen to the song when you’re at your happiest and when you’re at your lowest. While most of Fleetwood Mac’s hippie-influenced discography is perfect for summer, the piercing and pointed lyrics and instrumentals of “The Chain” are perfect as we move into the colder months of fall and winter. Whether you’re angry at your boyfriend, your roommate or your professor, playing the bass solo on repeat is a healthier way to experience your emotions.

“Kyoto” by Phoebe Bridgers 

This indie-rock song can remind people of being excited to go back to school while dreading the inevitable workload. With conflicting feelings expressed in the song with lyrics such as “I don’t forgive you / But please don’t hold me to it,” this tune perfectly encapsulates mixed emotions that could come with the end of an era. With the conclusion of summer, feelings of stress and hope can arise as a result of a new semester starting — getting ready for new classes, saying goodbye to family and friends and saying hello to new ones.

“Good Days” by SZA

This is the perfect song to reflect on all that happened over the summer while keeping in mind that the future will offer good moments that will create happy memories, even if it doesn’t feel that way in the moment. The end of summer allows one to recall the good days they had, and this song is a reminder to “still believe in good days” ahead. The overall tone is thoughtful and calming, inspiring the listener to reflect and consider what they want to accomplish during the start of the semester and beyond.