Every year is the same old thing. You walk into the Halloween party and say “what up” to that kid in the banana suit pouring shots into the mouths of five thirsty kittens. You take a selfie with the promiscuous Harry Potter twins and dance it out with the guy in the skeleton jumpsuit. But for anyone who’s looking to pumpkin-spice things up this Halloween, we’ve compiled a list of original Binghamton-themed costumes that are sure to be a hit. These costumes are both unique and relatable for all Binghamton University students who are proud to call this town their home away from home.
1. Larry Shea — The co-owner of Tom &Marty’s and host of all of our favorite game nights has been a Binghamton icon since purchasing the bar 11 years ago. Throw on some khakis and a button down and walk around town handing out free shots from your homemade pocket shot wheel and instantly become the man, the myth, the legend, Larry Shea. To make your shot wheel, hole-punch a round piece of cardboard decorated with shots like “Birthday Cake” and “Blue Hawaiian,” and tie a string through the hole to make a necklace. Maybe you’ll even get a chance to spin the real thing.
2. Raincloud — There’s nothing more Binghamton than a cloud rolling in to rain on our parade. Hang strands of clear beads from a hat covered in cotton balls that are patched together to form the shape of a puffy white cloud, and you’ll be ready to weather the State Street crowds.
3. Rasa — When it comes to risqué Halloween costumes, nothing’s more attention-grabbing than dressing as Binghamton’s own Playboy Miss Nude Universe, Rasa von Werder. All you need is a low-cut leotard — preferably of some sort of animal print — strappy heels and blue eye shadow to make this costume complete.
4. Parade Day Drunk — Binghamton’s Parade Day made Elite Daily’s list of top 13 college parties in 2013. Yeah. We’re kind of a big deal. Show off your BU pride by dressing up as the ever-classic Parade Day Drunk, while simultaneously getting another weekend out of that booze-stained “Kiss Me I’m Irish” T-shirt. Want to make a couples costume? Have your friend dress up as the raincloud to create an authentic Parade Day aesthetic.
5. President Harvey Stenger — The Steng-ray. President Harves. No matter what you call him, President Harvey Stenger is truly the big man on campus. All you need to make this costume complete is a suit and tie (green and black stripes, of course) and a deep, never-ending desire to make BU the “Premier Public University of the Northeast.”
6. Broome County Celtic Pipes and Drums — These musicians are a huge deal in Binghamton. Seriously. They have their own website. Gather a group of friends who can get their hands on a couple of kilts and bagpipes and take on the city by storm this Halloween. Squad goals, people.
7. Binghamton Mets’ Buddy the Bee — Okay, so they may not be going to the World Series, but what better way to show love for the city than by dressing up as the mascot of our very own minor league baseball team? All you need is a pair of yellow pants, a Mets jersey (NY works) and a pair of bee antennae.
8. Flo — Though a bit overdone, Binghamton alumna Stephanie Courtney, otherwise known as Flo from the Progressive commercials, is one of our school’s claims to fame. Pair a white tennis skirt with a white polo, stamp on the Progressive Insurance logo, and wear this classic costume with pride.