At the beginning of every semester, syllabus week graces Binghamton University with its presence. With assignments almost nonexistent and class times cut short, it may be the last chance you get to enjoy some free time for a few months. Make the most of syllabus week with Release’s tips.
1. Go to general interest meetings (GIMs) — Whether you’re a freshman looking to find your place or a senior trying to get out of a rut, GIMs are a great way to find your next great passion (or just grab a couple of slices of free Nirchi’s). From learning about sports debate to finding out when you can get guitar lessons, it’s important to make college more than just classes and partying. Don’t get us wrong, do those things. But find other stuff as well. It’s great to go places with a group of friends, but don’t let people hold you back from exploring a new hobby. There is no shame in going to a meeting alone.
2. Check out the gym — Nights filled with drinking and binge eating can take a toll on your body during your college years, and syllabus week is the perfect time to get on track to keeping yourself healthy. Even if you don’t want to spend the money on a gym membership, use your free time to find some free workout videos or head to Walmart to buy some cheap weights. Getting into a routine now will give you a sense of calm when classes get crazy, and working out is a perfect excuse to avoid studying.
3. Go outside — Before Binghamton gets gray and cold, take advantage of the sunshine and embrace the outdoors. If you have a car, there’s still time to take a trip to the lake at Nathaniel Cole Park (fondly known as the Blake) with your friends. The Spine is usually packed with people when it’s nice out, so it’s a great place to hang out with friends or even find new ones. Exploring Downtown on foot is a great way to find some of Binghamton’s hidden gems, like the Confluence Park walking trail along the river.
4. Actually read your syllabus — You may want to pretend it’s still summer, but the reality is that tests and papers will sneak up on you quickly. Take some time to check out your assignments and make a game plan for the semester. Plus, you don’t want to be surprised when you find out you have a 20-page paper due at the end of the semester. It’s good to challenge yourself, but if you read your syllabi and feel like you can’t handle the work load, take full advantage of the add/drop period. It’s OK to drop a class if you need to.
5. Have some drinks during the week — Once classes and clubs really get started, it’s important to try to prioritize school over alcohol. But while it’s still syllabus week, throw priorities to the side and enjoy Binghamton’s weeknight nightlife. Enjoy Taco Tuesdays at the Belmar or get competitive at Wednesday night trivia at Tom & Marty’s. This may be the only time of year that turn-up Tuesday won’t make you feel guilty on Wednesday morning.