Do you live with anxiety? Do you suffer daily from the crushing fear that every mistake you make will destroy any chance for happiness and success in the long run? Does the end of the semester make you want to crawl into a hole and die? As Release’s mental illness veteran, I’ve compiled some tips for getting through the next couple of days without having a nervous breakdown.
1. Don’t procrastinate — This is standard advice for any college student, but it is especially important for those of you with a history of anxiety. Putting off your work is only going to make you more anxious, and you need to take care of yourself during this high-stress time. Brief breaks are healthy, but if it’s 5 a.m. and you’re watching the nine-minute “The Farmer and the Cowman” dance sequence from the 1999 West End production of “Oklahoma!” on YouTube, you need to get your priorities straightened out.
2. Choose your stimulants wisely — For the love of god, do not take Adderall or Ritalin. No, seriously, don’t fucking do it. Sure, you’ll be good and awake, but you’ll feel like you’re having a heart attack. You are not going to be able to study or write a 10-page paper if your chest feels like a toddler is using it for a trampoline. Trust me on this: Stick to caffeine. Soda, coffee or tea will keep you awake enough that you’ll be able to get everything done. Your hands will probably shake, but if you’ve got an anxiety disorder, you’re probably used to your hands shaking anyway.
3. Be adaptable — One of the unfortunate realities of living with anxiety is having a weak digestive system, and one of the unfortunate realities of going to Binghamton University is having to consume Sodexo’s food. My advice? Move off campus as soon as possible. Until then, make the best out of a bad situation and bring any study materials you need into the bathroom with you. Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome doesn’t give a shit if you have an orgo final in a few hours, so study your notes while you inwardly curse Mein Bowl and your mental illness. If you start to have a panic attack, don’t forget to breathe; a panic attack will only make the pain worse, so concentrate on keeping calm.
4. Breathe, breathe, breathe — Living with anxiety can be hell, but remember that it doesn’t have to rule your life. If you find yourself stressing about an exam or are on the verge of a panic attack five hours before a paper is due, try to focus on breathing in and out, slowly. Chances are this paper or final exam isn’t going to matter in the grand scheme of your life. Sure, that paper you’re writing may not be your best, and it may feel like it can ruin your entire college career, but you’ve written loads of mediocre papers, and none have been the death of you yet. You’re going to be okay. You’re going to get through this week. Just breathe.