Ryan Reynolds is back, along with beloved Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman, for their characters’ Marvel Cinematic Universe debuts in “Deadpool & Wolverine.” One of the most highly anticipated blockbusters of the summer, the film sees its two titular characters facing off against both the Time Variance Authority, led by Mr. Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen), as well as villainess Cassandra Nova (Emma Corrin). Along the way, these two frenemies butt heads, crack jokes and bust skulls in their attempt to save a universe. This film has brought many eager fans to theaters, even earning the title of the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time, and lives up to its own hype and buildup as it delivers all you could want from this film series, as well as a wrap-up of Fox’s Marvel franchises established over decades.

Despite this third film of the Deadpool franchise being under Disney and its MCU, it doesn’t lose any of its edge. As the first MCU project to be R-rated, “Deadpool & Wolverine” has all of the crudeness, obscenity and violence that made the first two films stand out among the ever-expanding landscape of superhero media. Reynolds’ joking and fourth-wall-breaking anti-hero plays perfectly against the comedic straight man that is Jackman’s Wolverine. This emphasis on humor and fun throughout the film not only gives many fans more of what they wanted after the first two Deadpool films but also manages to show a new side to the character of Wolverine that Jackman has been portraying for almost a quarter-century.

At its core, this movie is a buddy comedy that plays its two protagonists off of each other incredibly well, having them both clash and work together over the course of its story — all to incredibly exciting and often humorous effects. The opening titles alone bring viewers into the film with all the fun, humor and violence you could want and expect from Deadpool. The additions of characters like Cassandra Nova and Mr. Paradox, as well as many other incredible inclusions, only add to the fun that this franchise has been known to bring.

Besides the main plot and the incredible dynamic between its two main characters, what can really excite fans when watching “Deadpool & Wolverine” are the many surprises it presents to viewers. Any long-time Marvel fans, whether it’s of the comics or of Fox’s and Marvel Studios’ franchises, will be blown away by the amount of shocking cameos and appearances throughout the movie. From emotional returns to A-list talent making its way onto the screen, “Deadpool & Wolverine” had many packed theaters screaming out with joy in moments they never thought they’d see. The best part though is that many of these cameos aren’t gratuitous — they serve a purpose to the story in some form and feel earned. If you’re able to go in blind, you’ll have an unforgettable experience. If you’ve gotten a spoiler or two told to you already, don’t worry because there’s so much more the movie has up its sleeve to surprise you.

“Deadpool & Wolverine” is not only a great comedy but a fantastic action movie and an amazing example of superhero storytelling. It serves as a love letter to the end of an era as Fox Marvel projects are no more. With Deadpool being the property that gets to continue, they took it upon themselves to say goodbye to what has come as Marvel is preparing to move forward with new iterations of these characters that fans have seen on screen for decades. Even if you’re not familiar with every name and appearance, you’ll be sure to have a great time. Longtime fans can expect to be rewarded with what they’ve loved, what they’ve wanted and what they’d never expect. “Deadpool & Wolverine” works to push this franchise into new territories, and it does that incredibly.

Rating: 4 out of 5