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Founded in 1946 as The Colonial News at what was then known as Triple Cities College, Pipe Dream is the oldest and largest student group at Binghamton University. Pipe Dream is published independently by an Executive Board composed entirely of undergraduate students, without the supervision or assistance of an adviser.

Pipe Dream prints on Tuesdays when classes are in session, and publishes content online throughout the week.

Views expressed in the opinions pages represent the opinions of the columnists. The only piece which represents the views of the Pipe Dream Editorial Board is the Staff Editorial.


Pipe Dream is open to all Binghamton University students, and no prior experience is necessary to join our team. Binghamton University students may join any of Pipe Dream’s sections. These include News, Sports, Opinions, Arts & Culture, Fun, Copy, Design, Photography, Web Development and Newsroom Technology.

For more information, contact the Managing Editor at (607) 777-2515 or


Pipe Dream’s office is located in the basement of the New University Union, Room B03. The newsroom is open contingent upon staff schedules.

Pipe Dream
University Union Room WB03
4400 Vestal Parkway East
Binghamton, N.Y. 13902

Phone: 607-777-2515

Feedback and letters to the editor are always welcome and should be sent to

If you would like more information about Pipe Dream, please contact our Managing Editor at

Please direct all news tips to

Story pitches may be sent to