
Dear Jessica,

I’m a junior here at Binghamton University and I’ve still yet to hone in on a specific career field that I want to go into. I spontaneously declared a major in geography at the end of my sophomore year because I had to, although I’m no longer sure if I’m interested in that. The only thing I’m sure of is that I want to pursue some sort of graduate program. What do I do?

First, I think you should take a good look into your future. I don’t mean a year and a half ahead, when it’s time to graduate; I mean 10 years from now. Where do you want to be? In 30 years, what do you want to have accomplished? These things don’t have to be, and likely will not be, career-related. Consider the steps that will take you there, academic and not. What knowledge will prepare you best for the things you want to do? Say you want to travel, a pretty common desire. Majoring in a foreign language would be helpful, as would history or even your current path of geography. Another thing to consider is what you want the world to look like in the future, and then do the thing that will bring about the change you want to see. Want to see honest and open politicians? Try political science. Your limits are imaginary, so do what makes you happy.

Dear Jessica,

I’ll be blunt — I’m an herbal enthusiast (more commonly referred to as a pothead). All judgments aside, smoking weed helps me manage my anxiety and to overall be a happier person. However, lately I feel like I’ve been smoking beyond the point of relaxation and end up wasting my day because I’m either high or exhausted after I’m not high anymore. Everyone says I should completely quit, but I don’t want to turn back into the anxious wreck I was before. What should I do?

Thank you for your honesty. Long term, your best bet is to quit. Smoking weed isn’t healthy. It can cause breathing problems, increased heart rate and more. But, like any habit, it’s going to be difficult to break. It’s best to wean yourself off of it gradually. You can even try to replace it with something more beneficial. For example, instead of smoking, do 30 pushups or call your grandmother. As far as managing your anxiety, it’s going to be more effective to seek out resources that can help you with your mental health. Available to students are the University Counseling Center, where you can attend sessions tailored to your needs, and Decker Student Health Services Center, where you can get a psychiatric consultation.