Thanksgiving is a time of self-reflection, family gathering, made-from-scratch dinner and shared belly-ache laughter ‘round the table. But often we take for granted such holiday traditions we sustain throughout our lives. The first thing that usually comes to our minds when we hear the word “Thanksgiving” is, more often than not, the stuffing and the food-induced coma after that third slice of pumpkin pie. As suggestive as the name of our big November holiday is, many of us take the “giving thanks” part as far as holding hands around the table and giving grace. It may seem like there’s isn’t much in our power to “stop world hunger,” so to speak, but it’s important to remember that it isn’t always the big things that count. Every little donation, whether it be a can of soup or a box of cereal to a local food drive, and every minute spent volunteering at a food pantry or soup kitchen, can make a difference. If you live on campus and don’t have a car, don’t feel limited to the things you can do to help. Below is a list of a few local charities and contact information. Think of it this way, wouldn’t you feel much better at the family table knowing you’ve done something to fill a few empty stomachs with a much-deserved Thanksgiving meal, even if its only for a few hours?

CHOW/Giant Promotion, Thur., Nov. 17 through Sat., Nov. 19, 2005

Greet Giant shoppers in two hour time-slots and encourage food donations to CHOW.

CHOW pantries serve over 2,500 people every month. Countless more are served free food in soup kitchens and missions through the Broome County food recovery program.

Call to sign up: (607) 724-9130

(There are also CHOW bins in each hall of your residential community, as well as the dining halls.)

The Salvation Army

131 Washington St., Binghamton, NY

Volunteers are needed to help in the soup kitchen on weekends, and to assist with the Christmas program, which includes toy shopping and bell ringing.

Call to Linda Lee to sign up: (607) 722-2987

Catholic Charities of Broome County

232 Main St., Binghamton, NY

Donations to the Harvest for Hunger Food Pantry are welcome.

Harvest for Hunger is the fifth largest food pantry in New York State, according to the volume of food served.

For more information call: (607) 723-4563