Blogs have become the preferred outlet for petty journalistic garbage for college students and liberals everywhere. I am a Democrat, yes a blue-dog conservative Democrat, and have been my whole life. However I recoil with disgust every time I turn on C-SPAN to find Nancy Pelosi, face stapled back and all, deploring the president for being too tall, not gay enough, compromising America’s integrity around the world, whatever it is that day. Promptly and predictably some blogger will be taking this already ridiculous message and will package it into an even more partisan, virulent, absurd, leftist and irrational bundle of sticks and start selling it to the public, thinking this is going to somehow win us seats in ’06.
Why does this annoy me so much? Because I am a Democrat. I’m loyal to my party. But blogs with their concomitant, stupid, blogging, liberal propagators, are destroying my party, and thus handing over the country right into the waiting, insidious grasp of the party currently running it, driving our fiscal situation into a sea of Chinese red ink.
Democrats- Newsflash: Nobody that ever equivocated for a second over who they were going to vote for read a blog, ever. Patty Smith of Canton Ohio didn’t vote for Bush because she frequented Ann Coulter’s blog. No NYU student or College Democrat student voted for Kerry for the same reason. Its funny actually, blogs are essentially people that all believe the same thing yelling at each other, offering our ammunition to our opponents to make blanketed statements about the party. Not exactly what I would call a compelling political tool, but what do I know?
The Economist, without question the most brilliant publication in the world (well, the second most brilliant), recently said this of blogs and the direction of the Democratic party:
“A new generation of angry young activists have used their mastery of the internet to tilt the party to the left. Groups such as (which claims 3.3 million members) and blogs such as the Daily Kos (which has thousands of partisans venting daily) now colour the whole tone of the political debate on the left. The teenage scribblers of the left seem to be turning the Democrats into a deranged version of Pavlov’s dog — reacting to every stimulus from Professor Rove’s laboratory rather than thinking ahead.”
In conclusion, Democrats, stop blogging. It’s a completely narcissistic waste of time, “intellectual masturbation” if you will. You are doing more harm than good. The Republicans are in a highly compromised position. The most visible members of the White House, Senate and House are all under indictment or clearly incompetent. Let’s not give them the opportunity to brand our party as out of the mainstream because those on the fringe spew crap on blogs.
Uber Liberal Democrats — It is a fact, for every two liberals in this country there are three conservatives. Please shhhhhh until 2009.
Joseph C. Galante-Eisenberg is a junior economics major.