Guess what, Binghamton? Saturday is Spring Fling, and if you are planning on skipping it, don’t. There will be rides. There will be games. There will be food that you probably have to pay for but, hey, your meal plan is running low anyway. Your day will probably start out with some casual drinking, and end with dropping your freebies while crowd-surfing. Don’t have enough things to keep you occupied? Look to the left for Release’s handy Spring Fling bingo board, or try and complete our bucket list! Here are 10 goals to make this Spring Fling the best one yet.
1) Sample food from every station after day-drinking without throwing up
2) Take a video from the swings ride without dropping your phone
3) Get Hoop Troop to teach you a trick
4) Stop by the Pipe Dream table to take a Weekend Warrior photo
5) Go to the table for every off-campus housing community and tell them you’re SUPER interested in signing a lease, then sign a lease
6) Get a free T-shirt. We’re not sure if they give those out, but you should try anyway
7) Get something from every table, freebie or not
8) Find Harvey Stenger and take a picture with him
9) Join a random group of dancers or musicians
10) Krump during Bad Rabbits