This stop’s for you
OCT. 22, 1:11 a.m. – A car that skipped the mandatory late-night stop at the entrance to campus prompted the gate guard to radio the University police, an incident report states. An officer who stopped the car noticed open cans of Miller Lite beer in the car. The officer asked whether the students in the car were 21 or older. None were. After checking the driver to make sure he was sober, the officers escorted the students — two 18-year-olds and a 19-year-old — to their Marcy Hall dorm, where he poured their illicit booze down the sink. The students were referred to the campus judicial system, but no criminal charges were filed.
OCT. 23, 8:00 p.m. – A non-student from Binghamton, 19, became upset after being asked to leave an Endicott Hall room where he’d been living with his girlfriend and her roommate. “He was having problems with the whole situation of being asked to leave,” said Capt. Donald A. Chier, a spokesman for Binghamton’s New York State University Police. The roommate had asked him to leave. Chier declined to give more details, citing the 19-year-old’s medical privacy, but he said the student was committed to Binghamton General Hospital’s psychiatric ward.
Sexually transmitted message
OCT. 25, 3:08 a.m. – A 20-year-old student who lives off campus reported that an “acquaintance” from her hometown was e-mailing her sexually-suggestive messages, including a Photoshopped photo of her sister’s head attached to the body of another female. BU police referred the case to their counterparts in Johnson City because she’s receiving the messages there.
Firefighter out of the closet
OCT. 25, 3:18 p.m. – Marcy Hall’s fire alarm sounded, students streamed out of the dorm and the BU police raced to check out the call. When they arrived, officers saw a young man dressed in firefighting gear, or as the report put it, “full helmet, coat, boots — the works.”
“This guy’s standing in complete fire regalia,” Chier said, “and they don’t know who he was.”
It turns out the student is an 18-year-old Marcy Hall resident who’s a credentialed firefighter in Beacon, N.Y., his hometown.
“He got dressed up and came out,” Chier said.
The police appreciated the student’s volunteerism, Chier said, but because of liability and logistical issues, officers told the student that he can’t show up out of the blue in uniform. Chier suggests the student join the Vestal town volunteer department.
No pot at the end of the rainbow
OCT. 25, 10:40 p.m. – Officers knocked on several doors in Mohawk Hall to sniff out a suspected marijuana smoker they got a tip about, but they couldn’t find the source of the odor. They left the building without filing judicial or criminal charges.
He don’t got game(s)
OCT. 26, 2:00 a.m. – The owner of three video games and memory cards isn’t sure who stole the items from his Oneida Hall dorm room. But he reported the theft to the BU police, who arranged the campus locksmith to re-key their fourth-floor room because their lock had been broken for a while.