Brandon Ng, Editor-in-Chief 

“Hold your people close! Academics are important, but building a community here — people who will cheer you on during the good times and pick you up during the bad — is more important.”

Lia Richter, Managing Editor

“Remember you have four years to have all the experiences you want. Definitely put yourself out there and try as many new things that sound exciting, but do not stress yourself out trying to get everything done your first year — because, I promise, you won’t.”

Julie Ha, Opinions Editor 

“The only way to become the most authentic version of yourself is to be honest with yourself — allow yourself to feel freely and unapologetically — and do things despite potential embarrassment or failure. You grow into yourself when you’re passionate and seemingly illogical — and once you’ve gotten over the fear of looking stupid, you’ll realize that everyone else is just as silly, intricate and fluid as you are.”

Antonia Kladias, Assistant Opinions Editor 

“Buy a pair of noise-canceling headphones because college can be overwhelming and sometimes you need to tune everything out to recenter yourself.”

Allison Peteka, Digital Editor

“Get involved as much as you can. You never know what you may end up liking and the friendships you will make. Getting involved as much as I have definitely shaped my college experience significantly.”

Revati Gelda, Arts & Culture Editor

“It’s okay to initially feel anxious and out of place. Remember to take your life at Binghamton University day by day and be open to experiences you may otherwise have not gotten the chance to explore.”

Emmanuel Fuentes, Business Manager

“Please wear your lanyards so the University cameras can identify you, and please blast your speakers at 1 a.m. in the dorm rooms.”

Ella Connors, News Editor 

“Keep an open mind. It can be daunting to put yourself out there, but, if you break outside of your comfort zone, you’ll form meaningful relationships in return.”

Johnny Yang, Sports Editor 

“Always give 100 percent in everything that you do. You will always get out what you put in.”

Emma Alicea, Copy Desk Chief 

“Put yourself out there! Don’t be afraid to meet new people, join new clubs and go to new places. Doing something you wouldn’t normally do can lead to the best experiences!”

Joanne Ng, Design Manager 

“Sometimes you’ll try things out that you thought you would like but you didn’t — and that’s okay. Now is the time to explore and learn! Now isn’t the time to be perfect and fall in love with whatever version of yourself you thought you’d like, so give yourself a break. Good things can take time!”