Samantha Carroll is a junior majoring in philosophy, politics and law.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself — any clubs, hobbies or major plans for the future?
“This semester I served as the vice president for student success (VPSS) on the [Student Association (SA)] Executive Board, and prior to that, I was an active SA Congress representative for two years. Outside of student government, I’m really active in the Hinman Production Company, and last semester I got the amazing opportunity to direct a musical! I’m also a core member of the Binghamton Food Co-op. In terms of hobbies, I love to sing and I play guitar. In the future, I plan on pursuing a master’s in public administration at Binghamton [University] and working in a public sector job, hopefully relating to environmental protection.”
2. What is your platform?
“My platform is a lot different from what I ran on last year for VPSS in that it’s a bit more abstract. The primary role of the SA president is to be an advocate for student interest to various authorities across campus, and my platform focuses specifically on initiating practices that show students that I work for them and that I am willing to fight on their behalf. My first platform point is to emphasize accessibility and advocacy as president, partially by initiating and hosting regular SA ‘town halls,’ where students can address their concerns and questions to members of E-Board directly. My second platform point is to ensure that students have the support they need to be successful on campus. As this year’s VPSS, I know where resources need to be improved and/or better publicized to the general student body. The most important sector to improve upon is mental health resources, and I will dedicate a great deal of my time in office to advocating for those changes. My last platform point is a commitment to representation. I will create standing meetings with any student group interested in speaking with me, and I will regularly attend [Cultural Presidents Council (CPC)] meetings to field the concerns of the multicultural community. The practices I’ve outlined will ensure that I can help students create the change they’re looking for on campus.”
3. Why did you decide to run for an SA E-Board position?
“I am running for SA president because I am incredibly passionate about working for [BU] students. I want to help them see the changes they’re looking for to be implemented. I came into this school with a passion for advocacy, and over the course of three years, I have used my various SA positions to create tangible change for students. I loved being on [SA] Congress, and being on E-Board this year, though stressful at times, was one of the best experiences of my time in college. SA president, to me, feels like the best next step for me after three years of working hard for the SA.”
4. Why should students vote for you?
“Students should vote for me because I am the most qualified and experienced candidate in this race. I have dedicated so much of my college experience to the SA and to student advocacy, and I have three years of experience turning the wheels of student government to bring about a better [BU]. In my two years on SA Congress, I wrote and passed an outstanding amount of legislation, all of which was focused on student interest and concerns, including the resolution that led to the creation of the Violence, Abuse and Rape Crisis Center [(VARCC)]. My time on the SA E-Board this year has given me the insight and knowledge of the SA that I need to oversee its continued function. I am so grateful to this student body who elected me as VPSS, and I think I’ve shown that I can be relied upon to represent them and work for them on E-Board. Plus, I have used my time on this year’s E-Board well. I have worked to address unjust off-campus housing practices, I’ve created spaces for first-generation students to meet and network, I’m working on a school supplies drive for the [BU] Food Pantry, I’m working on spreading awareness about Narcan training, and harm reduction and more. I’ve been consistent over the last three years, and I know that I can continue this momentum into my fourth year here. I would be so honored if [BU] students trust me with their votes again, and elect me as your next SA president.”