Jocelyn Phipps is a junior double-majoring in political science and sociology.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself — any clubs, hobbies or major plans for the future?
“I am currently a tour guide and a minute taker for the Student Association (SA). Additionally, I am the comedy chair of the Student Association Programming Board (SAPB) and am currently an events coordinator in the Vice President for Student Success office. Further, I am a member of Pipe Dream (where I take photos) and Binghamton University Law Quarterly (where I have written and edited). On top of that, I like to play soccer and go thrift shopping.”
2. What is your platform?
“Firstly, one item that needs attention and that SAPB has had for years is the issue of outreach. It is difficult to inform over 14,000 students about who SAPB is and what we do, despite the best efforts of many past and present Executive Boards. Some previous methods have included emails, social media and posters. While these are all great methods, I am positive they would be improved with additional means of communication. As vice president for programming [(VPP)], I would make sure to make outreach a priority. I would table for both SAPB and our events, announce what SAPB is and how students can get involved at any events we put on and work with the Binghamton [University] administration to enhance efforts to get information out to students on all the programming we do.
The first method of tabling is one that has brought positive results to many clubs, and that SAPB should utilize more. I believe that if SAPB tabled to advertise our shows as well as all the other outreach we do, students would be so much more likely to join SAPB and attend its events. The second method of announcing is actually the way I learned about SAPB. I was at the Pete Davidson comedy show in 2019 and at the end of the show someone came on stage to let students know that SAPB had put on the show and that we could join if we were interested in helping plan such events. This method, however, is not utilized enough. Finally, I would like to get administrators to help promote SAPB. Not only do we bring awesome performers to campus, but it is the students who are doing it! That is not something every school can say and we should be advertising that it is an opportunity for students to take charge of activities that come to our campus. We can advertise that to prospective students through admissions and orientation and to current students through departments where students may be interested (like music, business, pre-law, etc.).
Another issue that I believe I can improve in SAPB is diversity. I believe that SAPB is currently doing a good job of getting diverse acts — however I believe we could be doing more. As [VPP], I would ensure that all committees in SAPB have taken diversity into account when making selections on the individuals and groups we bring to campus. Along with this idea, I will make sure student preferences are really listened to and adhered to. In the SAPB semester survey that lists potential artists, I will include a section that asks what aspect of a performer is most important to students (i.e. their social media presence, their diversity, their relevance, etc.). I will then make sure committees take the survey results into consideration when selecting the performer for the semester.
In addition to listening to students, I want to make sure that SAPB is collaborating with other SA organizations as well. With SAPB’s resources and organizations’ attendances, collaborations with organizations could make events reach an even wider audience of students. This will also be a good way to help spread the word about SAPB and our events.”
3. Why did you decide to run for an SA E-Board position?
“I joined the SAPB in my first semester of my freshman year at [BU]. Immediately I loved the work of the SAPB and set my sights on how I could become more involved. In my sophomore year, I was selected to serve as vice chair for comedy at SAPB and now, as a junior, I have moved up to comedy chair. As I have watched SAPB grow, I have seen how things run both virtually and in-person. Currently SAPB is running smoothly as we transition back to in person. However, there are of course places for improvements and I believe as SAPB [VPP], I can help bring about positive changes for all of my fellow students.”
4. Why should students vote for you?
“I believe that I am the best candidate for the position of [VPP] because I have seen the SAPB through three different executive boards. I have seen what works, what doesn’t and what needs improvement. I have big ideas for next year, and most importantly, I know how to make these ideas a reality.”