Luke Savinetti is a sophomore double-majoring in economics and philosophy, politics and law.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself — any clubs, hobbies or major plans for the future?
“I am the treasurer for [College-In-The-Woods] Council and the recruitment chair for the on-campus coed pre-law fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta. I enjoy cooking and baking for my friends and baking specifically is one of my biggest passions. I also frequently make trips to the Nature Preserve on campus and have gone on many long hikes to the point where I know basically every trail. Since I am on the pre-law track, my plans for the future include attending law school, but I may decide to pursue the 4+1 [Master of Business Administration (MBA)] program here at [BU] first.”
2. What is your platform?
“There are three pillars that I plan to implement as the [vice president for finance (VPF)]. First and foremost, I will create a program to more formally train the treasurers of the various [Student Association (SA)]-run organizations on campus. New treasurers and presidents alike are only required to pass a true-or-false test online, and are left to figure out the processes regarding vouchers and other forms on their own with minimal assistance from those who previously held their position. This trend continues into my second pillar, where I will ensure that all of my assistants and advisers are adequately trained so that old and new organizations on campus are encouraged to properly use their resources to the fullest extent. My third and final pillar will be to advertise my office as being open to any and all people with questions on finances and how to put together events for their SA-run organizations. The prospect of organizing and beginning to undergo a large or even small scale event can be very complicated and intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. My three pillars set out to make these roles and endeavors easier and more accessible to students and the organizations they care about.”
3. Why did you decide to run for an SA E-Board position?
“I decided to run for this SA E-Board position because my time as the treasurer of [College-In-The-Woods] gave me insight to many different issues that I would like to see fixed and policies I would like to put in place. I did not know what the position would be like when I took office last semester, but I have found that the power and influence that the VPF of any organization holds is greater than I could have imagined. I want to be able to make amazing, lasting changes on campus with this opportunity.”
4. Why should students vote for you?
“I believe that I am the best candidate to be [VPF] first and foremost because of my experience as treasurer or VPF of [College-In-The-Woods] Council. This means that unlike my fellow candidate I have experience on the organization side of SA finances. Because of this perspective that is unique to me as a candidate, I understand the problems and issues that the SA-run organizations face and the policies I put in place will be curated to benefit them. As a community government treasurer, I already have to manage several hall treasurers and train them, which has prepared me for the role of guiding and assisting various [organizations’] treasurers and my own staff as VPF. Additionally, my role as recruitment chair for Phi Alpha Delta has given me experience with thoroughly planning events far in advance. This combination of foresight and my nuanced understanding of the real issues that SA organizations face is why I believe I make the best candidate for SA [VPF].