Carman Garufi is the Republican, Conservative Party and Independent Party candidate for Binghamton’s 5th district seat on the Binghamton City Council. Garufi has practiced private law for more than 30 years and previously served on the city’s Zoning Board of Appeals from 2004 to 2010.
In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue in your district and why?
“In the fifth district, after the property tax burden, it is the issue of houses not being properly maintained, often by out-of-town or absentee landlords, including banks allowing foreclosed properties to sit and not be maintained, and code enforcement-related issues. This negatively impacts the quality of life in our district.”
How do you envision engaging with the community and addressing the concerns they may have? More specifically, what would you do to engage Binghamton University students in these community issues?
“[I] will be open and accessible to all residents, […] meet in person, communicate by email or phone, […] will look for their input on all issues, particularly issues such as the sewage treatment plant and the bike-pedestrian path from Downtown to the University.”
Do you have any plans to address the housing blight in your district, and the city as a whole? Please explain why or why not.
“[I] will be pushing for increased code enforcement and a more proactive code enforcement department. This is one of my primary areas of concern. [I] have sent a mailer to all residents on these issues — it said cleanup and rehab problem properties, tougher penalties for absentee landlords, demolish eyesores, support first-time homeownership programs, hold banks accountable on foreclosed properties, boost leash law enforcement [and] expand home repair programs for seniors.”
If you could make changes to the building codes or code enforcement in the city, what would they be? If you would not make any changes, please explain why not.
“[I] will advocate for specific regulation regarding mortgage holders responsible for properties taken back through the foreclosure process.”
What changes, if any, would you make to public transportation in your district and why?
“[I] have not considered any changes. I know that the county buses runs through the district. If there are issues or concerns regarding need for increased routes or different routes or [Off Campus College Transport] buses, I will address those.”